Would you like to have a powerful impact on technology innovation, have a growing career at a major corporation, while working with a diverse team to tackle top business challenges?
If so, consider joining GradTech. For Andrew Carlston, GradTech was the starting point for his exciting full-time career in technology at DuPont. In this interview, Andrew reflects on his career path in technology, his unique experiences with GradTech and shares insight into the value of GradTech for young professionals looking to kickstart their careers.
Q&A with Andrew Carlston of DuPont
Q: What were your educational studies, career experiences and interests before joining GradTech?
I graduated from Vanderbilt University where I studied Economics and Computer Science. Prior to graduating, I already knew I was interested in technology from my studies and college internship experiences, although I was not entirely sure which specific field I wanted to go into.
Q: What sparked your interest in joining GradTech?
During my post college career search, I applied to multiple positions. What stood out about GradTech was that it was an opportunity build upon my internship experience and interests in technology that would lead a lasting career. I was offered a unique and rare opportunity; I would be working at a major corporation, in a new division, with cutting edge technology. Ultimately, everything was up and coming and that was where I wanted to be. It also seemed like an environment where I could learn and grow. I liked the idea of working on a team with relatively young like-minded innovators. Working alongside colleagues who started at the same exact time created an even playing field.
Q: What was your experience with your GradTech mentor?
I had a really great relationship with my GradTech mentor, Tim. I found it extremely valuable that he already had extensive experience in RPA, thus being able to provide my team and I with highly-specialized training before officially heading to DuPont. Tim worked alongside us throughout the entire program – teaching us, guiding us and leading us on a path to success. One of the best parts of working with my mentor was his constant recognition and consideration of my abilities, talents and goals. He provided the tools to grow my career in RPA and helped seamlessly transition from a basic level to an advanced professional. I also learned extremely valuable technical skills from him such as scripting and dynamic execution.
Q: How did you enjoy working in a team environment?
One of the best parts of GradTech was working collaboratively with my team of four other developers. In GradTech’s team environment, you always have someone to ask questions to, collaborate with and encourage you to rise to your fullest potential. When my team and I started at DuPont, we immediately executed major RPA projects and revamped existing strategies which positively impacted the company.
Q: What were the most important lessons learned going through the GradTech program?
The most important lessons learned during the program were the importance of working both independently and as a team. One of the greatest team accomplishments was being able to streamline processes for DuPont that normally would have taken them more time and energy. On a personal note, I was able to achieve becoming more comfortable in my role and acting as a reliable source for my teammates.
Q: How has GradTech helped you reach your career goals in technology?
GradTech gave me a massive boost to launch my career in technology. I did not think I would be in such an advanced position, contributing to major projects so quickly. Through GradTech, I not only expanded my technical skills but also learned soft skills including teambuilding, leadership and interaction with clients on the business side, of which I originally did not realize I would need in the technology industry.
Q: What opportunities at GradTech do you see as exciting and valuable for new graduates?
GradTech’s specialized training prior to starting on the job, mentorship guidance, collaborative team environment, and ability for young professionals to get right into technology for a major company are major advantages for those looking to join the program. The opportunities presented through GradTech have made me uniquely qualified in my current role at DuPont. The advice I would give to ambitious young professionals looking to join GradTech is to come into the program with goals and an idea of where you would like to be professionally in the future. GradTech will help you turn those dreams into a reality.
About GradTech
Gradtech is a dynamic new team-based approach. We build diverse customized teams of highly talented, technical professionals, pair them with a seasoned mentor, train them in your tools and processes, and delivery the entire team to your door ready to be productive on day one. Delivering qualified locally sourced talent, GradTech succeeds at increasing efficiency, lowering costs, and infusing your business with future leaders.